Assessing Alternative Services Delivery Options

There are many different kinds of services offered by non-profit organizations. Some involve the provision of water, wastewater disposal, creating and maintaining streets and parks. Other services involve education, social welfare, planning and building permits, environmental health, street cleaning, emergency and rescue services. Another group involves infrastructure development and includes mapping and land surveying, constructing public buildings, environment and health protection.
There are different principles and approaches used in organizing these services in order to benefit clients. Decentralization of service delivery - moving resources and responsibilities to lower levels of government - is one potentially powerful means of providing quality services. EPMC studies the various approaches to find a solution tailored to the needs of the local authorities.
Alternative Services Delivery (ASD) is another mechanism used by many governments to transfer programs and services to the private sector. ASD refers to the range of techniques used by governments to involve the private sector in the financing and delivery of public services. There are numerous forms of public-private partnership techniques and ways on how the ASD is adopted to meet specific decentralization objective. EPMC helps you to determine the delivery method best suits a particular service.